International Medical Center love

International Medical Center


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  • The judge ordered Mubarak held at the International Medical Center, a military hospital on the outskirts of Cairo, and that an oncologist be among the doctors monitoring him. Chronicle 2011

  • The judge ordered Mubarak held at the International Medical Center, a military hospital on the outskirts of Cairo, and that an oncologist be among the doctors monitoring him.

    The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed 2011

  • The judge ordered Mubarak held at the International Medical Center, a military hospital on the outskirts of Cairo, and that an oncologist be among the doctors monitoring him. Chronicle 2011

  • This report by the specialists was fully confirmed by results of comprehensive examination conducted using state-of-the-art multiple-discipline equipment installed in the International Medical Center.

    Новости 2009

  • This report by the specialists was fully confirmed by results of comprehensive examination conducted using state-of-the-art multiple-discipline equipment installed in the International Medical Center.

    Новости 2009

  • This report by the specialists was fully confirmed by results of comprehensive examination conducted using state-of-the-art multiple-discipline equipment installed in the International Medical Center.

    Новости 2009

  • This report by the specialists was fully confirmed by results of comprehensive examination conducted using state-of-the-art multiple-discipline equipment installed in the International Medical Center.

    Новости 2009

  • As the Ashgabat correspondent of Turkmenistan. ru reports, the guests held talks in the Parliament and the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan, visited the International Medical Center and the Ashgabat Center for Treatment of Internal Diseases, equipped by German Siemens, as well as Dashoguz region where they met pupils of a specialized German-language school and familiarized themselves with the work of local farmers 'associations.

    Новости 2009

  • This report by the specialists was fully confirmed by results of comprehensive examination conducted using state-of-the-art multiple-discipline equipment installed in the International Medical Center.

    Новости 2009


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